Wiki Contents
- Interface Explanation
- Getting Started with the Setup Wizard
- ASC Options to configure first
- Creating a cluster restart schedule
- Starting the Cluster
Let’s get going!
Upon running ASC for the first time you will be presented with the following Setup Wizard, probably the easiest way to get started with an Atlas Server.
Here is where to specify whether you intend to install Atlas from scratch or use an existing installation.
If you intend on using an existing installation, ensure you select the Root Folder of the server installation (not ..\ShooterGame\etc) for the “Atlas dedicated server” path. ASC should detect the existing cluster configuration and display a short summary.
New Installations only need to worry about creating a folder at their desired location. For the remainder of this tutorial I will follow the “New” installation flow as it covers the port selection from the “Existing” installation option.
The next window provides a choice of 3 map templates to play with, more will be added in due time but as a starting point, these maps contain a wealth of information regarding “how it all works”.
If you are using a hosted server with 32GB RAM or less I would recommend 1×1 or 2×2, the 4×4 will require 64GB or more. Naturally once players start building on the islands the memory requirement will increase. For the sake of examples, I’ll select 4×4.
Specify your (Internet Facing) IP address if your on a hosted platform, local Intranet users can use a private IP address of their liking (ie 10.0.0.?, 192.168.0.?,, Localhost)
Single Shard Ports
If you create a map that consists of just one Shard, the “Single Shard Ports” option will enable allowing you to specify the Game, Query and RCON ports to be used.
Multi-Shard Ports
Multiple Shards require multiple ports and lots of them. ASC port ranges take the pain away by suggesting ports to use and configuring each Shard with its own unique set. You can change the suggested range with your own but make sure you create enough to cover the amount of Shards your cluster has (ie 4×4 = 15.. zero is a number too, don’t forget)
Port range 27000 -> 270..(Shard Count) is reserved as the Seamless data port, unless you understand Seamless ports and you’re happy to mess with this in ServerGrid.json, best stick with the default.
The Server Admin Password is required for Admins to declare cheats in-game, it’s also used by RCON to connect, issue commands and shutdown the Shard. If you choose not to set a password the first issue you will encounter is the map won’t save on each restart, ASC uses RCON to perform these tasks and as such passwords should be pre-requisite.
The Allowed Player Count caps the amount of concurrent players on a Shard, the Reserved Player Count allows players on an exception list to join when the Player cap has been reached.
Additional Launch Arguments are commands or flags that alter the Shards running characteristics, “-NoBattlEye” is a flag whereas “RCONEnabled=True” is an option. Those two examples are included in ASC yet you may know of some that aren’t, this is where you place your custom Arguments.
Yes, your done..
By this stage the wizard has done it’s job, you should now have the config files required for the cluster to start. The map images will need to be generated from the Server Grid Editor once ASC starts, “Export All” to the Root Atlas install path.
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